The metru product Close-up allows you to record a short video for each of the three elements of an application: cover letter, CV and skills. You can easily produce these videos with your smartphone. The metru app makes recording easier for you by guiding you step by step through the production of the video. The resulting application videos are integrated into your application documents as a link. Your attitude to the job, your personal values and motivation, as well as your personality, will become clearer in the videos than in a purely written application.
Do you have a job reference in your career that is not really good? But are you highly motivated to fill a job now? You can show this motivation in an application video. Shorter or longer gaps in your CV are no reason to despair. Present your CV in a video and you can elegantly play around the gaps or explain them clearly.
If you have a message about why you want to work for a particular employer, tell them. Are you sporty and applying for a job at Adidas? Then tell the sporting goods manufacturer about your enthusiasm for sport. Wrap your enthusiasm in a little story and your background will be easier to understand. Or are you committed to animal welfare and applying to the animal welfare organization PETA? Then briefly summarize your message for a better animal world in a video. In your application video, your potential new employer will learn about your true enthusiasm and see how committed you are to this area of work.
In recruiter circles, candidates are referred to as hidden talents who would normally be very well suited to the job. However, hidden talents still don't get any further in the application process. And for one simple reason: the cover letter and CV in no way reflect the applicant's professional ability. Hidden talents can only convince people of their enthusiasm for a profession in person. In addition, the interview often fails due to the special situation. Nervousness and poor self-presentation do not leave a good impression of the applicant. In most cases, the Hidden Talents simply cannot sell themselves well enough.
And the hidden talents even have a good reason for their behavior: Selling their own personality is simply not one of their core competencies. Librarians and civil engineers do not need to sell themselves. The librarian's strengths lie in accessing media and this does not require any special contact skills. Similarly, engineers do not need to be masters of self-promotion. This is not where their strengths lie. Hidden talents want opportunities to introduce themselves in a pleasant atmosphere. Companies should only really get to know the hidden talents and simply discover what the applicant is made of. And this is where video applications come into play. Application videos manage to emphasize or supplement certain points of your application.
What motivates you to work at the company of your choice? What are you passionate about? This is about real passion and your topics that will get every recruiter excited. To find your own answers, it's worth taking a look inside yourself. Use the method of self-reflection to find out what motivates you.
With psychological support questions, it may be less difficult to answer: What kind of work do I like to do? In which area do I particularly want to get involved? Which activity do I find meaningful? While answering these questions, you may stumble across other strengths and talents that you have not yet discovered. Consult a friend or an external coach in your search for motivation. Many things are easier with a partner.
You can explain your motivation in the application videos. And the company gets to know your personality along the way. Those responsible at the company can see whether you are a good fit for the company. The cultural fit, i.e. whether the values of the company and the applicant match, is easier to recognize in a video.
More and more applicants are already using short videos in their applications. However, with an application video you still have a head start over other applicants at the moment and can assert yourself more easily against others. The tip for good application videos is: Be authentic. Stay yourself and don't pretend. If you are very genuine in the video, you will inspire viewers. And personality is what recruiters are looking for in an application. They want to see what the applicant is really like and whether they will fit into the team of colleagues.
How do you record your videos particularly well? Experience has shown that short application videos work best. Between one and three minutes is the ideal length for a self-presentation. This is because it depends on the content that is to be communicated. Good lighting is important for a good video. Don't point the smartphone camera against the light, but make sure that your face is well lit without being dazzled. And the background should not contain anything that distracts from you. The background should therefore be as monochrome as possible. Conspicuous objects should be outside the picture. Your choice of clothing can be the same as you would wear to a job interview. Your clothing should simply correspond to the professional field in which you would like to work.
The general rule for appearing in front of your own smartphone camera is: stay relaxed and be yourself.
The three elements of the application, i.e. the cover letter, the CV and the presentation of knowledge or skills, appear in a completely new light when they are each explained in a separate video.
Making an application video is very simple: use your smartphone to record a few minutes of video about your career goals and motivation. We have explained good tips for making smartphone videos in a separate blog post. We have also provided an explanatory video on the topic of "smartphone videos".
The fact is: Content with video is a hot topic on the Internet. Applicant videos also give recruiters a new perspective on a candidate. This is because recruiters can use application videos to better recognize whether candidates are a good fit for the company. Even if producing a video application is an additional task alongside a cover letter, CV and description of skills, you can make a really lasting impression on the employer. And 95% of employers can still remember this impression after three days. As a result, you can move up to the front row of candidates thanks to the video application and get the job you want much sooner.
To make the idea of applying with short videos accessible to everyone, metru has developed the Close-up product. You can use video clips to highlight, supplement or explain certain details in your application.
These variants are available:
Here you can create your application from modern design templates and conveniently record the videos for your cover letter, CV and skills. Once you have completed your production, we will make your application available to you as a link.
You choose the design template that best suits your application from a selection of modern design templates. metru creates your application in the design you have chosen. You can record your cover letter, CV and skills videos easily and conveniently at home (or wherever you want). Once your production is complete, we will make your application available to you via a link.
You create your application from modern design templates. Then you visit us in our studio and we produce your videos professionally. You can find out where the studios are on our website. After successful production, we will make your application available to you via a link.